Worth it or not worth it? Our approach is focused on lifestyle topics, like travel, aviation, cars, watches, architecture and yachts. Our aim is to give you some support to answer the question.
We believe in complete or good selected lists with ratings. This helps you to find what fits best for you. It takes months to collect information from different sources. All topics are finally edited, rated and recommended by independent professionals.
We are a countermovement in indiscriminate and confusing listings and ratings published in the web, classified by "authentic" reviews of contributors, mostly nonprofessionals. Those reviews are often based on emotion and not on neutral knowledge. Yes, most are customers, but perhaps in the wrong place or wrong vehicle. For example: How can La Mamounia Hotel in Marrakech, with no doubt, one of the best hotels in the world being rated 77 of 506 hotels in Marrakech?
Our listings and ratings are easy to read and fast to download. Always one list in one post with the best available images (15,000+) and a short description. Our website is designed and suitable for your computer and all portable devices.
Enjoy! For comments and suggestions, please write to the editor.
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