Last revised: 03.10.2020
Company | Country | Website | Owner |
Boats and Tenders | |||
Avon | France | www.avon-tenders.com | Z Nautic Group |
Bertram | USA | www.bertram.com | Gruppo Gavio - Bertram Yachts LLC |
Boesch Motorboote | Switzerland | boesch.swiss | Boesch Motorboote AG |
Bombard | France | www.bombard.com | Z Nautic Group |
Castoldi Jet | Italy | www.castoldijet.it | Castoldi S.r.l. |
Chris Craft | USA | www.chriscraft.com | Chris-Craft Corporation |
Cobalt | USA | www.cobaltboats.com | Cobalt Boats, LLC. |
Compass Tenders | UK | www.compasstenders.com | Compass Tenders Ltd. |
Dolvik | Norway | www.dolvik.com | Dolvik Batbyggeri AS |
Four Winns | USA | www.fourwinns.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Frauscher | Austria | www.frauscherboats.com | Frauscher Bootswert GmbH & Co KG |
Glastron | USA | www.glastron.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Linssen Yachts | Netherlands | www.linssenyachts.com | Linssen Yachts B.V. |
Palm Beach Motor Yachts | Australia (Malaysia) | www.palmbeachmotoryachts.com | Grand Banks Yachts Ltd. |
Pascoe International | UK | www.pascoeinternational.com | Pascoe International Ltd. |
Pedrazzini | Switzerland | www.pedrazziniboat.com | C. Pedrazzini |
Q Yachts | Finland | q-yachts.com | Q Yachts Oy |
Rupert | Sweden | www.rupertmarine.com | Rupert Marine International AB |
Say Carbon Yachts | Germany | saycarbon.com | SAY GmbH |
Scarab | USA | www.scarabjetboats.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Wajer | Netherlands | www.wajer.com | Wajer Yachts B.V. |
Wally | Monaco | www.wally.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
X Shore | Sweden | www.xshore.com | X Shore AB |
Yachtwerft Meyer | Germany | yachtwerft-meyer.com/ | Yachtwerft Meyer GmbH |
Zodiac Nautic | France | www.zodiac-nautic.com | Z Nautic Group |
Yachts Manufacturers (Semi Custom-Made) | |||
AB Yachts | Italy | www.abyachts.com | Gruppo Fipa S.r.l. |
Amer Yachts | Italy | ameryachts.it | Gruppo PerMare S.r.l. |
Antonini Navi | Italy | www.antonininavi.com | Antonini Navi S.r.l. |
Arcadia Yachts | Italy | www.arcadiayachts.it | Arcadia Yachts S.r.l. |
Astondoa | Spain | www.astondoa.com | Astilleros Astondoa, S.A. |
Azimut | Italy | www.azimutyachts.com | Azimut - Benetti S.p.A |
Beneteau | France | www.beneteau.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Benetti | Italy | www.benettiyachts.it | Azimut - Benetti S.p.A |
Bering Yachts | Turkey | beringyachts.com | Bering Yachts |
Carver Yachts | USA | www.carveryachts.com | Marquis Yachts, LLC |
CdM (Cantiere delle Marche) | Italy | www.cantieredellemarche.it | Cantiere delle Marche S.r.l. |
Cerri Cantieri Navali | Italy | www.cerricantierinavali.it | Gruppo Gavio - Cerri Cantieri Navali S.p.A. |
CL Yachts | China | clyachts.com | Cheoy Lee Shipyards Ltd. |
CNM (Cantieri Navali del Mediterraneo) | Italy | www.cnmspa.com | H1 Holding S.p.A. |
Columbus Yachts | Italy | www.columbusyachts.it | Palumbo Group S.p.A. |
Contest | Netherlands | www.contestyachts.com | Conyplex B.V. |
Couach | France | couach.com | Chantier Naval Couach SAS |
Custom Line | Italy | www.customline-yacht.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
De Boarnstream | Netherlands | www.boarnstream.com | Jachtwerf De Boarnstream B.V. |
Delphia | Poland | lodzie-delphia.pl | Beneteau S.A. |
Dynamiq | Italy | www.bedynamiq.com | Dynamiq Yachts S.r.l. |
Extra Yachts | Italy | www.extrayachts.com | Palumbo Group S.p.A. |
Fairline | UK | www.fairline.com | Russian owners (Fairline Yachts Ltd.) |
Ferretti Yachts | Italy | www.ferretti-yachts.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
Fleming Yachts (Tung Hwa Yard) | USA (Taiwan) | www.flemingyachts.com | Fleming Yachts |
Franchini | Italy | franchiniyachts.com | Cantiere Navale Franchini S.r.l. |
Global Yacht Builders | Taiwan | www.globalyachtbuilders.com | Global Yacht Builders Co. Ltd. |
Grand Banks | Australia (Malaysia) | www.grandbanks.com | Grand Banks Yachts Ltd. |
Gulf Craft | UAE | www.gulfcraftinc.com | Gulf Craft Inc. LLC |
Hartman Yachts | Netherlands | hartmanyachts.com | Hartman Yachts B.V. |
Hinckley | USA | www.hinckleyyachts.com | Hinckley Yacht Company |
Horizon Yachts | Taiwan | www.horizonyacht.com | Horizon Yacht Co., Ltd. |
Itama | Italy | www.itama-yacht.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
Jeanneau | France | www.jeanneau.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Johnson | Taiwan | www.johnson-yachts.com | Johnson Yachts Co., Ltd. |
Lynx Yachts | Netherlands | www.lynxyachts.com | Lynx Yachts B.V. |
Maiora | Italy | www.maiora.it | Gruppo Fipa S.r.l. |
Mangusta | Italy | www.mangustayachts.com | Overmarine Group S.p.A. |
Marquis | USA | www.marquisyachts.com | Marquis Yachts, LLC |
Maxi Dolphin | Italy | www.maxidolphin.it | MD Technologies S.r.l. |
Mazu Yachts | Turkey | mazuyachts.com | Mazu Yachts |
Mochi Craft | Italy | www.mochicraft-yacht.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
Monte Carlo Yachts | Italy | www.montecarloyachts.it | Beneteau S.A. |
Moonen Yachts | Netherlands | www.moonen.com | Moonen Yachts B.V. |
Mulder | Netherlands | www.muldershipyard.nl | Jachtwerf D. Mulder B.V. |
Nordhavn (Ta Shing Yachts) | USA (Taiwan) | www.nordhavn.com | Pacific Asian Enterprises, Inc. |
Numarine | Turkey | www.numarine.com | Numarine Denizcilik San. Ve Tic. A.S. |
Ocean Alexander | Taiwan | oceanalexander.com | Alexander Marine International Co., Ltd. |
OTAM | Italy | www.otam.it | OTAM S.r.l. |
Pershing | Italy | www.pershing-yacht.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
Prestige | France | www.prestige-yachts.fr | Beneteau S.A. |
Princess | UK | www.princessyachts.com | LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton SE |
Riva | Italy | www.riva-yacht.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
Rizzardi | Italy | www.rizzardiyachts.com | Rizzardi S.r.l. |
Rodman | Spain | www.rodman.es | China Sonangol International Holding Ltd. |
Sanlorenzo | Italy | www.sanlorenzoyacht.com | Sanlorenzo S.p.A. |
Silver Yachts | Australia | silveryachts.com | Hanseatic Marine Engineering Pty Ltd. |
Sirena Yachts | Turkey | www.sirenayachts.com | Sirena Marine San. ve Tic. A.S. |
Sunseeker | UK | www.sunseeker.com | Wanda Group China |
Tankoa Yachts | Italy | www.tankoa.it | Tankoa Yachts S.p.A. |
Vennekens Jachtwerf | Belgium | www.jachtwerfvennekens.com | Jachtwerf Vennekens B.V.B.A. |
Westport Yachts | USA | www.westportyachts.com | Westport Yachts LLC |
Shipyards for Custom-Made Motor-Yachts and Super-Yachts | |||
Abeking & Rasmussen | Germany | www.abeking.com | Abeking & Rasmussen Schiffs- und Yachtwerft SE |
Admiral | Italy | admiral-yachts.com | The Italian Sea Group |
Alia Yachts | Turkey | aliayachts.com | Alia Yachts |
Amels | Netherlands | www.damenyachting.com | Damen Yachting B.V. |
Baglietto | Italy | www.baglietto.com | Gruppo Gavio - Baglietto S.p.A. |
Benetti | Italy | www.benettiyachts.it | Azimut - Benetti S.p.A |
Bilgin Yacht | Turkey | bilginyacht.com | Bilgin Yachts and Tourism Management Ltd. Comp. |
Burger Boat | USA | www.burgerboat.com | Burger Boat Company |
C.B.I. Navi | Italy | www.cbinavi.com | Gruppo Fipa S.r.l. |
Cantieri di Pisa | Italy | www.cantieridipisa.com | Sea-Finance S.r.l. |
CMN | France | cmn-group.com | Privinvest Abu Dhabi |
Codecasa | Italy | www.codecasayachts.com | Cantieri Navali Codecasa Tre S.p.A. |
CRN | Italy | www.crn-yacht.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
Damen Yachting | Netherlands | www.damenyachting.com | Damen Yachting B.V. |
Delta Marine Industries | USA | www.deltamarine.com | Delta Marine Industries, Inc. |
Echo | Australia | www.echomarinegroup.com | Echo Marine Group Pty Ltd. |
Feadship - Royal De Vries Scheepsbouw | Netherlands | www.feadship.nl | Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw B.V. |
Feadship - Royal Van Lent Shipyard | Netherlands | www.feadship.nl | LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton SE |
Fincantieri Yachts | Italy | www.fincantieriyachts.it | Fintecna |
Golden Yachts | Greece | www.goldenyachts.gr | Golden Yachts Ltd. |
Hakvoort Shipyards | Netherlands | www.hakvoort.com | Hakvoort Shipyard B.V. |
Heesen Yachts | Netherlands | www.heesenyachts.nl | Heesen Yachts Sales B.V. |
Inace | Brazil | inace.com.br | INACE - Indústria Naval do Ceará S.A. |
ISA (International Shipyard Ancona) | Italy | www.isayachts.com | Palumbo Group S.p.A. |
Kingship | China | www.kingship.com | Kingship Marine Limited |
Kusch Yachts (Peters Werft) | Germany | www.kusch-yachts.com | Kusch Yacht Projekte GmbH |
Lloyd Werft | Bremerhaven | lloydwerft-yachts.com | Genting (Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven AG) |
Lürssen | Germany | www.lurssen.com | Fr. Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co. KG |
Mariotti | Italy | www.mariottiyard.it | T. Mariotti S.p.A. |
McMullen & Wing | New Zealand | www.mcmullenandwing.com | McMullen & Wing |
Mondomarine | Italy | www.mondomarine.it | Palumbo Group S.p.A. |
Nobiskrug | Germany | www.nobiskrug.com | Privinvest Abu Dhabi |
OCEA Constructions | France | www.ocea-yachts.com | OCEA S.A. |
Oceano | Monaco (NL/SA) | www.oceancoyacht.com | Al Barwani (Alblasserdam Yachtbuilding B.V.) |
Rosetti Superyachts | Italy | www.rosettisuperyachts.it | Rosfin S.p.A. |
Rossinavi | Italy | www.rossinavi.it | F.lli Rossi S.r.l. |
Sanlorenzo | Italy | www.sanlorenzoyacht.com | Sanlorenzo S.p.A. |
Tecnomar | Italy | www.tecnomar.com | The Italian Sea Group |
Turquoise Yachts | Turkey | www.turquoiseyachts.com | Al Barwani (Turquoise Yat Sanayi A.S.) |
Sailing Yachts Manufacturers (Semi Custom-Made) | |||
Adria Sail | Italy | www.adriasail.it | Adria Sail S.r.l. |
Allures Yachting | France | www.allures.com | Grand Large Yachting SAS |
Beneteau | France | www.beneteau.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Catana | France | www.catana.com | Catana Group S.A. |
CNB | France | www.cnb-yachts.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Contest | Netherlands | www.contestyachts.com | Conyplex B.V. |
Discovery | UK | discoveryshipyard.com | Discovery Shipyard Ltd. |
Garcia Yachts | France | www.garciayachts.com | Grand Large Yachting SAS |
Gunboat | France | www.gunboat.com | Grand Large Yachting SAS |
Hallberg Rassy | Sweden | www.hallberg-rassy.com | Hallberg-Rassy Varvs AB |
HanseYachts | Germany | www.hanseyachts.com | HanseYachts AG |
Hinckley | USA | www.hinckleyyachts.com | Hinckley Yacht Company |
Jeanneau | France | www.jeanneau.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Jongert | Netherlands | www.jongert.nl | Jongert B.V. |
Lagoon | France | www.cata-lagoon.com | Beneteau S.A. |
Marlow Hunter | USA | www.marlow-hunter.com | Marlow Hunter, LLC |
Maxi Dolphin | Italy | www.maxidolphin.it | MD Technologies S.r.l. |
Najad | Sweden | www.najad.se | Najad AB |
Nautor's Swan | Finland | www.nautorswan.com | Leonardo Ferragamo (Nautor Holding S.r.l.) |
Outremer | France | catamaran-outremer.com | Grand Large Yachting SAS |
Oyster | UK | www.oystermarine.com | Oyster Yachts Ltd. |
Perini Navi | Italy | www.perininavi.it | Perini Navi S.p.A. |
Solaris Yachts | Italy | www.solarisyachts.com | Solaris Yachts Srl |
Southern Wind | South Africa | www.sws-yachts.com | Southern Wind Shipyard (Pty) Ltd. |
Spirit Yachts | UK | www.spirityachts.com | Spirit Yachts Ltd. |
Sunbeam | Austria | www.sunbeam-yachts.com | Sunbeam Yachts OG |
Sunreef Yachts | Poland | www.sunreef-yachts.com | Sunreef Venture S.A. |
Wally | Monaco | www.wally.com | Ferretti S.p.A. (Weichai Holding Group) |
XCS | France | excess-catamarans.com | Beneteau S.A. |
X-Yachts | Denmark | www.x-yachts.com | X-Yachts A/S |
Y Yachts by Michael Schmidt | Germany | www.yyachts.de | Michael Schmidt Yachtbau GmbH |
Shipyards for Custom-Made Sailing Yachts | |||
Baltic Yachts | Finland | www.balticyachts.fi | Baltic Yachts Oy Ab Ltd. |
Claasen | Netherlands | claasenshipyards.com | Claasen Jachtbouw B.V. |
Hodgdon Yachts | USA | www.hodgdonyachts.com | Hodgdon Shipbuilding, LLC |
JFA Chantier Naval | France | www.jfa-yachts.com | JFA Yachts - Chantier Naval SAS |
Pendennis Shipyard | UK | www.pendennis.com | Pendennis Shipyard Ltd. |
Royal Huisman Shipyard | Netherlands | www.royalhuisman.com | Royal Huisman Shipyard B.V. |
Vitters Shipyard | Netherlands | www.vitters.com | Vitters Shipyard B.V. |